Ok so Heston and Gillyin had their rehearsal practice tonight at the Events Center for Christmas Tree Lane. I was busy with appointments this afternoon so Rob took Hes and picked him up for me. (he is always such a HUGE help)... I took Gilly at a quarter after 6 and picked her up when she was done. When she got in the car I asked how it went. She said that it went good. That is the answer I get a lot. So of course I try to get some more info out of her. Her dance class will be dancing with some of the older girls for this recital so I asked who her partner was...she says..."Um..well she didn't tell me her name". OK...so..."how did it go...dancing with the older girls"....her answer..".good". Then she starts to finally tell me about it. If you know Gillyin she is kind of a perfectionist and stresses about things. So this is what she proceeds to tell me...."Mom, this is my last practice before the recital. What if I can't remember my dance?" This is the same girl that has shown me her dance countless times in the kitchen and the living room. I tell her she has nothing to worry about. She says, "Well, I really need to work on my leaps!" "You do?" I ask. "YES" she says back. I say nothing. "Mom...I heard Miss Kim (her dance teacher) talking to the older girls and I think that they have one more practice before the recital. What if they have another practice and my class doesn't?"..."Gillyin, you have nothing to worry about."...She then tells me pretty much every step to her dance and which way she goes when she goes under the bridge...how she holds her partners hand and looks at her at the end and puts her hands behind her back and walks off the stage. I think that she was just reassuring herself that she knew her dance. As I am listening to her I thought to myself...When did my baby girl GROW UP! It really doesn't seem that long ago that she was a tiny little baby. A lot has happened in her 6 1/2 years of life. She has become a big sister to 2 little brothers that drive her crazy pretty much every waking second of her day. She has always been very mature and independent. I think I take advantage of those qualities in her. But I realized driving home that things have gotten so busy that I forget to treasure all the little things that my kids say and do. It really is the little conversations and the little things that go on in our every day lives that I need to remember. It is amazing how much has happened since being blessed with Gillyin and here we are 8 weeks away from having our 4th child. WOW!!! Blessed we truly are...I know there are days that I wonder if I will make it, but I learn so much from my children and am incredibly grateful for their tender presence in our home. Just another thing I need to work on...slowing down enough to remember the little things! Because I know that now she may just be worrying about a dance recital, but before I know it will be driving, boys, college...etc.