I would never have imagined 3 1/2 months ago that adding just one more to our family would turn my world upside down! Since Griffyn has been born time has certainly FLOWN! I cannot believe that she is almost 4 months and that it is MAY!!! Seriously people...can anyone tell me what happened to Feb., March, and April? I find that my day has just started and then it is over. Constantly RUNNING! I used to think that my wonderful aunt, who I adore, was the SPACIEST woman ever!I now know that she was and is just a MOTHER! Just about EVERY day I think I have lost my mind...and as soon as I find it, well, I loose it again! What has happened? It really is amazing to me...LIFE! I have been trying to make an effort to really pay attention to the things my kids say and do that I want to remember. We are DEFINITELY done having children and I feel at peace with that, but I am cherishing the little things so much more now. I truly do know now that one day I am going to turn around and Gillyin will be getting married, Heston will be serving a mission,Fisher will be graduating from high school and Griffyn will be asking to borrow the car. And I will WONDER where the years went. I know my DEAR husband gets sick of me saying every night...I AM EXHAUSTED...because it is now the JOKE of our life. But I am! I never would have thought 10 years ago that my life would be the way it is today, but I am BLESSED a million times over for how my life has turned out so far. I need to take a step back every once in a while and realize that.I am lucky to have a wonderful husband and 4 wonderful children and a life so CRAZY! Don't get me wrong there are days I think of packing my bags and running away, but I never follow through with it :)! So I will swim through the laundry piles, trudge my way through the crumbs, and pull my hair out over gum stuck to every thing I own! I will continue to complain, cry, and on occasion SCREAM, but I am pretty SURE that more joy will come from all of that than anything else! I will continue to drink my diet coke and continuously pray to get me through the day...and that is FINE with me!
For those of you that read this whole post...Thanks for your patients...and for those of you that know me best...you know that I scream a little more than on occasion!