I have never been a faithful late night talk show viewer. I wasn't a huge fan of Jay Leno. I was not sad to see him "retire". When Conan Obrien took his place I wasn't sure what to expect. I have always found the man's hair a bit distracting...so hard to watch that wave flop around on top of his head. BUT and that is a HUGE BUT... I have grown to really, really, really, like this man! He has this WEIRD sense of humor that can totally crack me up! As I have watched him on the Tonight Show this week...which has been HyStErIcAl...I think NBC would be making a huge mistake if they moved him. I think that they should have NEVER EVER put Jay on at 9 (STUPID). That was like these athletes that retire and then decide to come out of retirement. I can't stand that. Be done while you are at the top of your game, right? I hope NBC can see that they need Conan right where he is!
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