So, by some chance today I remembered that I had a BLOG...what? NO WAY!!! I pretty much abandoned it about 2 years ago. I see all my friends updating their blogs and posting their updates on fb. I love to follow you all and some people I don't even know, because obviously I am a stalker or something. I was browsing blogs this afternoon I remembered that my blog had been thrown to the wayside and I really hadn't cared, until now. You see I do not keep a journal and I am certain I am breaking a commandment by not doing so. When I was blogging it was sort of a way to keep a record of this crazy/boring/busy life I lead. I am attempting to blog again. You might want to call me a "Born Again Blogger"! SO, Whether it gets read by my friends, my family, or a least I will feel better about documenting some of life's events.
P.S. * I know my picture is upside down. I don't know why and so much has changed in blogger since my fall from blogging that I don't know how to fix it, BUT I actually kind'a like it upside down...that's pretty much my life anyway:)
Friday, May 4, 2012
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
$&@# Water!!!
"When it rains, it pours", right? I would agree 100%! A week and a half ago our water heater finally died and flooded my salon. Granted the thing had a very long life...18 years which is amazing I hear for a water heater. Anyway, Rob had to rip up the flooring to let the water dry up and then re-lay the floor. he is working on the floor, Fisher decides to spray the TV with water until it drowns and dies also! We had to wait a couple of days to get a new water heater(of course it happened on a weekend) when the guy came to remove and install, he accidentally left something on and water came pouring out of the hot water pipe and guess what?....flood all over again! So up came the floor...AGAIN! Thrilling! We had some uneventful days and then today came:/! Heston woke up on the very wrong side of bed this morning and decided to make my life miserable. He finds it amusing. I couldn't do anything right and when I wouldn't react to his fit throwing he plugged up the downstairs bathroom sink and turned on the water! YAY!!! I was doing my sis in-laws hair and just thought that he had found something to occupy him and was washing his trucks in the sink. Something my boys do a lot. Well, then Fisher walks into the salon and says, "Mom, there is a lot of water in the bathroom"! Sure enough...FLOOD! The water had been running for at least 20 minutes. What the Heck people? I didn't even know how to react. The fan is still going trying to dry out the carpet in the hall. And then tonight we had to tare out our counter tops and while Rob was unhooking the sink he left something on....guess what again? He was almost done when water came shooting out of a pipe and drenched him and the rest of the kitchen! I think the water gods have it out for us! So, out of all this we have gotten a new water heater, replaced the 32' TV with a 13"...see how the kids like that, gained more patience through the actions of my son, and by the end of the week should have new counter tops. I am thinking that usually after the pouring rain the sun shines and a rainbow appears:) I am waiting for that rainbow!
What a weekend!

We have had a busy holiday weekend. It may take a while to recover. I feel like I have a hangover from all the excitement and fun;) We were so lucky to have my G-parents and my brother and his cute family in Richfield. And we are always so lucky to have Rob's family here. It's nice to have family so close and they are always great about being to all of the family events! Gillyin was baptised on Saturday and it was neat to have more of my family able to be there. It was a special day for her. Saturday night she came upstairs and she crying. So, I said to her "You're tired. You need to go to bed." She said, "No mom, you know how you cry sometimes when you are happy?" and I said, "Yes, is that why you are crying?"..."Yeah, I have had the best day" she said. It was so sweet to sit there and spend a minute to reflect on her day. I then got my journal out and was thinking I might find something about the day I was baptised, but couldn't. I did find a letter I wrote to Gilly when she turned one. So I read her the letter and then we both were crying. She has grown up. I am so blessed to be her mother. I look at all my kids and wonder...why did they pick me? I guess I need to learn a lot more than I ever thought I did, because they teach me so much about life...especially about LOVE. My Gilly-girl is a keeper for sure...I am so proud of her and the young lady she is.
My wonderful sister in-law took her pictures:) They turned out beautiful! Thanks, Em! Check out her blog...Simple Moments Photography!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
It's been a while...

I 'm not even sure how long it has been since I have blogged...guess I could look, huh? Oh well. I will when I am done with this post. So it has been a busy past few months. Lets just make a list with a comment or two:
1.Repainted the inside of the house.
2.Restained the kitchen cabinets...counter tops will arrive sometime(they were supposed to be done in April)
3.Redid the upstairs bathroom...same thing on counter top;)
4.Had some surgery!!!(sorry no pictures;)
5.Directed Miss Sevier County:)
6.Gillyin finished cheer and the 2nd grade.
7.Heston finished Kindergarten...(all day next year...YES!!!)
8.Had t-ball and coach pitch take over out life as well...Yay, Lugnuts and Bees!
9.Made our way to Lake Powell, which always = FUN!
10.Came home to a dent in the side of the truck...made from our flying trampoline...which ended up 100 yards from our house.
11.Fisher turned 4!
12.Gillyin turned 8!
So there are a few things that have been going on. Maybe one of these days I will chill out and stop making more things to do.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
My kids LOVE to leave the front door wide open! The other evening just after dinner Fisher skips out the front door and faithfully leaves the door open. When he wanders back in a few minutes later Rob says to him, "You DO NOT live in a barn! You need to close the door!" that Fisher replies as he is walking out the door, "Bye, I'm a cow! MOOOOO!"
Monday, March 29, 2010
When you start a new decade I think we all want it to start well, right? (That was a dumb question) I know we all want life to be wonderful and run smoothly. I also know that life doesn't exactly happen like that, but this year sure has had it's ups and downs so far. I start to get one thing going good and then get hit with something else! Heavenly Father must want me to be learning a lot or planning on me learning a lot from it all. It has been a long time since I have spent this much time on my knees. How thankful I am for all of the knowledge I have of a Heavenly Father, a Savior, and the gospel of Jesus Christ! When so much seems to be going crazy there is always one peaceful place you can go! So...come what may, I hope that at this time next year I can be thankful for the trials that I have been dealt!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Rolling Stone...please keep rolling..ahhh

First of all the whole Rolling Stones on American Idol was over all pretty good, but I have this "rolling stone" of my own! I am probably on my 12th kidney stone and I have become a pro at passing them. I was "lucky" enough to get my first when I was pregnant with Gillyin and my body has just kept making them. So here I am with one more!!! I am pretty sure that with each one that I have it stretches out my ureter a little more. And sometimes they aren't too bad to pass, but I have had a few that I was sure I would die. The one that graced itself in me recently does not seem to want to leave and I am getting a little annoyed. So PLEASE,PLEASE, PLEASE keep rolling!
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