First of all the whole Rolling Stones on American Idol was over all pretty good, but I have this "rolling stone" of my own! I am probably on my 12th kidney stone and I have become a pro at passing them. I was "lucky" enough to get my first when I was pregnant with Gillyin and my body has just kept making them. So here I am with one more!!! I am pretty sure that with each one that I have it stretches out my ureter a little more. And sometimes they aren't too bad to pass, but I have had a few that I was sure I would die. The one that graced itself in me recently does not seem to want to leave and I am getting a little annoyed. So PLEASE,PLEASE, PLEASE keep rolling!
Is that a picture of a kidney stone? If so that is huge and I can't even imagine that coming through the pee pipes...ouch!
Oh my crap that looks freakin' horrible! You are like pretty much the toughest woman I know if you pass those little buggers so often without so much as a little comment on your blog. Sheesh!
You totally need to e-mail me on your secret for passing them...my good friend is in serious pain and could use some ideas...
amy (belnap) b.
Oh my gosh! You poor thing! I've heard passing a kidney stone is the closest thing a man can go through to the pain of having a baby. You have to do both!? I'm so sorry, I hope it passes quickly & painlessly. *hugs*
Ouch. I hope you don't have them to often!
Juls that thing is huge! I'm so sorry, that looks like it is terribly painful! But I heard from one of my patient's yesterday that if you drink like 3 cups of Lemon juice with a tablespoon of olive oil, it will dissolve your kidney stone! He said he had one and was going to the doctor to get it blasted and his grandma told him to drink that remedy so he did and sure enough when he went back to the doctor his stone was gone! So maybe you could try it out! haha other than the kidney stones I hope all is well! Love you so much:)
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