Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Crazy Hair Day!

This week is Red Ribbon week at school. And today was Crazy Hair day. Here are my 2 CrAzY haired kids!


Heidi said...

I like the stylin hair do's!

The Belnaps said...

Oh I should have sent Ellie to your house..all we managed was a little red spray. You are a much cooler mom than me :)

Ryan and Amber said...

Oh the benefits of having a hair stylist as a mama! They look awesome and they probably should have won some sort of prize for those "dos"!

The Venutis said...

WOW!!! How did you get her hair to stick up like that? Good job!!

Cami said...

that's awesome!!! they better have won crazy hair day if they had prizes! have a happy halloween!

Liz said...

Super cute!! I'll bet they just love having you for a mom!!