Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Things Kids Say!

It seems like my kids are always making me laugh with the things they come up with. I need to be soooo much better are writing them down. Here are a few and some others stuff my kids are up to...

When he sleeps in his bed and stays there all night he will say, "I sleeped in my WHOLE bed!"

He is definately my little buddy and is a huge helper. So he calls himself, "My Vacuum Boy"...except is more like "bacuum"...When he is mad at me he will yell at me..."I am NOT your bacuum boy anymore!"


He and Gillyin were walking out the front door for the bus and he saw that there was frost on the roof tops and said, "Look at all the frosting" of course Gillyin had to correct him and say, "It's called FROST!"

A few days ago he was downstairs fighting with Gilly and I could hear her repeating what he was saying. When Heston does that to me I will tell him not to back sass me. I am not even sure if that is a real term, but it is something my mom used on me. Anyway, finally Heston yelled at her and said, "Don't back @$$ me" of course I had to make sure that he knew it was SASS!


So she is like 7 going on 17 and I don't know how I will survive her! She never really says funny things, but defiantly says things that make me shake my head. She doesn't think it's fare that I get my nails done and can go get massages. She wants her hair to be Burgundy and insists she needs a cell phone. What do I do? Her life is always horrible because she can't stand her brothers and has to help soooo much! I know she is completely picked on! That's why we love her so much:)


Griffyn isn't really talking. She says your basic baby words like mama, dada, baba, uh oh, and occasionally mum. I love when she gives kisses and puts her hands over her eyes to play peek-a-boo. She still is toothless. I don't know if she will ever get teeth, but she is doing just fine without them.


Heidi said...

Those kids crack me up! I can just imagine Gilly saying she needs a cell phone and listing all the reasons she would need one...oh and tell her I am still waiting for my B-DAy invite! She said she would put me on her list. Love you guys and miss ya!

Liz said...

I love the no back sassing!! CUte kids.. I need to bet better about writing things down too!

Liz said...

Kids do say the funniest things! Everyday Lily sayes something that completely cracks me up. She is my amusement in life! They grow up way too fast.

Ryan and Amber said...

Burgundy Hair and a Cell Phone?! You're in for it! Maybe I'm happy for just boys! :) What cuties!