At the beginning of December Fisher falls off a chair in the kitchen and bites a HUGE hole in his tongue. Rob was home with the boys while I was at a Dr.'s appointment when that happened. There wasn't anything that anyone could do about it so he just had to have a hole in his tongue for a few days until it healed. It ended up being a blessing because he couldn't drink out of a bottle because it hurt so bad...so we got rid of it...YEAH!!! Then last week Fisher is riding his bike over at the church (across the street) and fell off and scrapes up the right side of his face. He likes to tell people he did a "back flip at the church"...so we get that almost all healed up and then.................He goes outside with Heston and Heston's friend today. It had just started snowing and so the sidewalk was slick. Heston comes inside screaming for me. I knew that something was seriously wrong. I look up the stairs and there is blood running down the left side of Fisher's face...from his eye. AHHHH!!!! I grab him and just hold him. I couldn't really tell how bad it was. I figured it was bad though. Heston said that he slipped on the sidewalk and cut his eye on a piece of metal. The metal was this little piece of something (who knows what) and what are the odds that when he fell he would cut his eye on it. POOR KID! I called Rob and told him to "COME HOME NOW"! I knew that Rob would be better than me at deciding what to do. Anyway...we ended up at the clinic holding the poor kid down while he got stitched up! The whole time he just kept screaming..."Daddy stop it!" I felt so bad. And I felt bad for Rob because he was the one doing most of the holding. It has been an eventful day. I may have to start wrapping that kid in bubble wrap. It is amazing that boys survive their childhood!
OUCH! Poor kid. I hope he gets feelin' better. And maybe the bubble wrap wouldn't be too bad of an idea. ;)
So sorry Julia..I haven't dealt with stitches..yet..knock on wood. It looks terrible. good thing kids are resilient and bounce back fast.
OUCH!! Poor kid and mom alike...I am a walking anxiety attack waiting to happen and I just have ONE little boy....how do WE survive??
Poor Kid- That looks like it really hurt! Jeter looked at this picture and got a sad face and said "Fish hurt eye" and now he won't quit saying it.
We had to strap Kaylee down for stitches too. Not fun at all! We have to watch them get all their shots and everything, so I'm glad Rob got a turn at it! How did your appointment go Monday? I got tomorrow!
Ohhh that is one thing I don't want to/ CAN'T be the mom for! Hannah has had to have stitches once already and I couldn't even go to the hospital with her.. thank goodness for those dads!!! I am just waiting for these moment's with my Brady... he is a wild one!! Ohhh your a good mom!
boys!!!! my son has had stitches, broke his arm and it needed pins and surgery (getting down from a bunk bed, not even playing!) and MANY MANY close calls! Its gotta be a boy thing, even if they aren't roudy..it always seems to happen! Hope it healed great! Its amazing how they fade and you hardly see them after a few years.
I though for sure my sons would be a huge scare forever. You'd never know now.
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