6lbs. 11oz...19 1/2 inches
Here is the story...
We went in Sunday (1-18-09) morning at 7 to be induced. We got to the hospital and checked in and by 8 I had my I.V. with pitocin and antibiotics. The plan was to get my epidural by 11, break my water by 12 and have a baby by 2! I have never had a planned out delivery like this, so I kept thinking...yeah right, it will never go as planned. Things just never go like that...do they? So, at about 10:45 I start to get my epidural...even earlier than expected. By 11:30 I had the epidural in and was so excited, becuase it was actually working! (my last 2 didn't work) Then by 12 my water was broke...still on schedule! At about 1:30 they were wondering if maybe she was turned funny becuase her head wasn't coming down like it needed to. The Dr. and the OB nurse did some things to try and change things to see if it helped and it did! At about 2:30 the babies heart rate was dropping and so they put me on oxygen. The nurse checked me at 2:50 and said I was an 8 then the Dr. walked in and checked to make sure and was like...ok are you ready? I didn't quite know what to say...I thought I was only an 8. They got everything ready and we waited a few minutes for my aunt to get back to the hospital. Then we were all ready. Things are so much calmer when you have an epidural that works! I pushed through 2 contractions and our little angel was born at 3:09! (not at 2 like planned) It was so easy and peaceful! I just kept thinking...That's it? She was screaming and healthy! It was such a neat experience! I have such a wonderful Dr. and all the nurses and anathesiologist at the hospital were great! Although I am so happy to be back in my own bed now. It took us a day to decide on her name, but for some reason that was the hardest part of the whole thing! We feel so blessed and are so thankful for all of our children! What a GIFT they are!
CONGRATS on your adorable new little one...she is a cutie.. and love her name!!!
Congratulations!! It is always a relief when they get here safe and sound.
Congratulations! How exciting! I love new babies. ;)
Congratulations...I really like the name you picked! Can't wait to come and see her!
Congrats...love her name and she is beautiful..looks like she belongs. Don't you just love deliveries like that? Sounds like everything went great. Good luck with number 4
Julia and Rob - Congrats! I saw this on Ash B's blog and had to jump in to say Congrats on your cute new addition! We are at www.highlandgardnerfamily.blogspot.com
Congrats!! So fun! I LOVE LOVE her name!!
Way to go! I think somehow yours and my due date got switched! I'm glad to know one of us isn't pregnant any more!
Yeah!! I'm so excited for you! Tiny babies are the best, they are all snugglers when they're that tiny. I'm glad you had an easy delivery; it makes all the diference.
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