Fisher turned 3 on the 2nd! We celebrated on the houseboat. When we asked how old he was he would say, "NOTHIN'!". I baked him a cake...which I have never done for birthdays, but there wasn't a Wal-Mart on the water. Let me just say baking in a tiny oven and not having any source of being level is my excuse for baking a slanted, slightly burnt on the bottom, chocolate fudge cake! I am glad he is 3 and not 13 or I would have never heard the end of my ghetto cake! Ithard to believe he is 3. He is such a little funny man! He is always cracking us up. I am SO thankful that he is apart of our family. WE LOVE YOU FISHERMAN!
Happy Birthday Fisher! I think his cake is cute!
I think the cake looks great! Better than I could ever do.
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