Fisher has been the greatest big brother! He LOVES his baby sister. I can't even count how many times a day he asks to hold her. Gilly and Heston might ask once or twice a day. When she cries now Fisher will say, "Oh Driffyn...Oh Driffyn". It's pretty cute. The other morning he just laid in bed by her for a good 20 minutes and entertained her. I was amazed! She is starting to stay awake more...she looks a little confused in this picture (I am sure she is SICK of the flash from the camera). Griffyn had her 2 week Dr.'s app. today and she wieghed 7lbs. 8oz. and was 21.5 inches. I couldn't believe how much she has grown:(! SO sad. I think that all that wieght is in her cheeks! She is such a good baby, but when she is hungry she SCREAMS! She thinks she is starving to death. That's the only time she ever cries. We still need to figure out the sleeping at night situation! These black things under my eyes are just getting darker and darker!