Gillyin..."Mom, so you know how Heston is always mean to me? He will go to the bottom world, right?"...me.."He can repent for being mean to you."...Gillyin.."He is gonna be busy then"
Rob had set Griffyn on the kitchen counter in her car seat and went to do something outside. I got home and walked inside and Heston was on the counter trying to give her, her binki and talking to her. He then said..."Mom, she was crying and I didn't want her to cry all by herself."
Today Fisher had two big ol' bugers in his nose. I tried and tried to get him to let me wipe his nose, but it was a fight so I stopped. He then went outside to ride his bike. When it was time to pick up Heston from school I went outside and his nose was clean. I asked him,"What happened to your bugers?" Fisher says, "I ate all"and opened his mouth. I asked,"You ate your bugers?" His answer, "Yea!"....BOYS!
Ha ha your kids are so funny. They crack me up!
I can just hear Gilly saying that..She is so funny! I like your background and header or title thing...How Did you do that?
So cute! I'll probly be in the bottom world too so IF your little one ends up there for being mean to his sista - I'll look out for him! :)
Julia! I'm so happy I came across your blog! I can't believe how big your kids are. Those are some funny things they said! So Cute
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