Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A to Z-TAG

A--Attached or Single: attached, Rob and I have been married 7.5 years!
B--Best Friend: Emily...I agree here...I would have to say Rob!
C--Cake or Pie: KEY LIME CHEESE CAKE from the Cheese Cake Factory
D--Day of Choice: Fridays...always have loved Fridays. For some reason it's a day when I try find something cute to wear. Guess I am hoping I will get taken on a date!
E--Essential Item: Wow...this is hard. I will say my vacuum. Without it I be living in a sea of crumbs, dirt, and paper scraps!
F--Favorite Color: Brown
G--Greatest Accomplishment: Not sure if you would consider this an accomplishment but, being able to have a business from home. It is great to be home with my kids!
H--Hometown: Richfield, Ut
I--Indulgences: Pepsi
J--January or July: July.
K--Kids: Four...and yes that is a lot Emily!
L--Life is incomplete without: My is so crazy, but if Rob ever takes the kids for a little while after about an hour I am going crazy wanting them to come back home!
M--Marriage Date: Sept.7, 2001
N--Number of Siblings: 3...older sister and brother and younger brother
O--Oranges or Apples: Apples
P--Phobias or fears: Phobias...anything that crawls or flys! Fears...losing someone I love. I never have had a loved one pass away.
Q--Quotes: I have lots...I read one today that was,"If you can't stand behind our soldiers, try standing in front of them" Love that!
R--Reason to Smile: Shopping
S--Season: Fall
T--Tag 5 Friends: Ashley B., Ashley R.,Alesha, Heidi, Liz
U--Unknown fact about you:I have 2 tattoos...the reason your only 19 once!
V--Very favorite store: TARGET!!!
W--Worst habit: Not being able to tell people "no"
X--X-ray or Ultra Sound: Both I guess...have had my share of both.
Y--Your favorite food: Authentic Mexican
Z--Zodiac: Cancer


Ryan and Amber said...

You are such a rebel Miss Two Tatoos....who knew! :) Very Cute!

Lyndee W. said...

Okay, first of all, I totally agree with you on the Mexican food! Cafe Rio does not cut it! We have a lot in common! We love fall, brown, our hubby's and own a home business! We rock!