Now I have to vent about Jorge! K..I know that the guy can sing. I just can't stand to watch this sweet Puerto Rican bust out "Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me"! Holy Smokes folks! So maybe if I close my eyes I could listen to it, but Idol needs to help the kid out with those eyebrows! They are a little on the freaky side. It looks like they may have tried to shape them, but he has some caterpillars growing there. I was hoping my man Ju'not would get through instead of Jorge:(
There are a few more things that I could vent about, but I will get on to the good news. Our girl, Megan Corkrey, from Utah has another shot at the top 12! I am SO EXCITED! I think she is darling and so different! She does do a little funny dance thing when she sings, but I LOVE this girl! I don't ever vote...and I know if I don't vote then I shouldn't say anything about who gets through, but I am going to vote tomorrow night. Megan, I will be doing my best to get you into the top 12! (you know she is gonna read this)...:)
Update...K...I forgot that the judges got to pick out of the wild cards. I am so happy they chose Megan as one of the top 12...13...I would have voted a bizillion times though Megan!