I can't believe I got a picture of her smiling.

We had Griffyn's blessing this past Sunday. What a busy day! All of Rob's brothers and sisters came. My dad came from Colorado and my sister and her family and my aunt and her family were there too! We are so blessed to have so many great people in our lives! After her blessing we had dinner at the fire station. Lots of room and the kids love to climb on the fire trucks! Thanks you guys for traveling to be with us on such a special day!

The kids love when papa J.R. comes because then they get to go swimming in the hotel pool and because they don't get to see him that often.

I had to get a picture of Griffin holding Griffyn!

Julia- baby Griffyn is absolutly gorgeous! I love her blessing dress where did you get it?
I love huge family get togethers! What a fun day!
That pic of Griffyn is so cute! Thanks for the Great luncheon it was yummy!
She is SOOO stinkin' cute! LOVE her little "blessing cardigan" - QQQQUUUTE!
I can't believe that picture either! That's too cute. The blessing was wonderful. The kids loved the fire trucks, I guess we can thank Rob for that!
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