Rob's grandpa Jenson passed away last week. It was kind of a hard week. He was such a WONDERFUL man! I am blessed to have been able to know him. Rob was really close to him and it was hard for him to see his grandpa go. My boys LOVED going over to his home in Monroe and helping with yard work and feeding the horses. It was especially difficult to tell them that he had passed. Fisher, I know is too young to really get it all and Heston has been really good about it. When we told him he said..."I feel some pain about Grandpa Melvin"...He tried to get grandpa to answer him at the viewing and kept say..."Grandpa, Grandpa...can you hear me?" We reassured him that he could hear him, but that he wouldn't answer back. :)When he said his prayers that night he thanked Heavenly Father for "helping grandpa Melvin get to heaven"...I am so so thankful for the knowledge that we have through the gospel. We are so BLESSED! The funeral was beautiful. What an HONORABLE man!
That is such a cute story about your little guys and their grandpa. Cowboy grandpa's are especially cute and hard to say goodbye to.
Oh my gosh! I didn't know he was Rob's grandpa! He was in our ward in Monroe. I always admired what a sweet demeanor he had. He was an amazing man!! Jason lost his grandpa that he was very close to last summer. You have my sympathy. That is a very tough thing to go through.
I'm sorry! It's always hard trying to explain death to kids...Sean refuses to go to viewings and still {at 7} has a hard time accepting that the body is here, but the spirit is in Heaven. How awesome that we know that we will all be together again.
Hey there...so I have been blog stalking hope you don't mind. I found your blog through Ashley Rappleys. Anyways if you want an invite to mine email me heidivenuti@beyondbb.com Take care. Heidi Peterson Venuti
You know he's the best man ever! Yesterday Alli said to me "mom I just wish we could call grandpa." It will sure be a change for us all.
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