Heston has had this thing for a little girl in his pre-school class...for a very long time. Her name is Katelyn and she is so cute and sweet. His teachers tell me that he is always saving her a spot on the rug and is such a little gentlemen. If we time it just right and they get dropped off at the same time he always makes sure to open the door for her. A few months ago I picked him up from school and he was so sad and kind of crying. When I asked him what was wrong he told me that he was never going back to school because Katelyn didn't play with him. She was playing with a new girl. I couldn't believe how heart broken he was. Things obviously were ok because he went back to school and him and Katelyn are still friends. Well about a week ago he came to me and said, "Mom I want to make Katelyn a necklace with Gillyin's beads and sneak it into her cubby"...How cute is that? I asked him where he got that idea and he told me he just thought of it. I don't know if he really did or if he saw it on "The Suite Life", but I told him he could sure teach his dad a few things! Ok...so today when I picked him up from school he told me that him and Katelyn got put into time out for fighting...lol! and then in the next breath told me..."Oh, and Katelyn told me she loves me"...HAHAHA! And then said that they were sitting at the table together and started fighting again, so he had to move to the other table. HOLY COW! They are 5! Well, when we got home he went and got Gillyin's beads and we sat down and made a necklace and a bracelet for her. Heston picked out the colors, but I had to do the making...he isn't patient enough to string the beads! He is pretty proud of himself and can't wait to give them to her.
That is too cute! What a thoughtful little guy.
Is it Katelyn Barney...my niece?...BTW, this is Nate's sister Amy
That is so sweet! All I can say is encourage it! Sean always opens the door for me and is constantly looking out for me...it makes me hopeful for the future.
That is a crack-up! My bro used to have a HUGE crush on "Sheila" Rob's mom. She was our babysitter and he would bring her little necklaces. And the world continues to go round and round.... Ah little boys!
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