So much has been happening with my kiddos lately. I seriously can see a light at the end of the very long mommy tunnel. Now...I know that the mom thing is forever...which I am grateful for, and I LOVE my children, but I am excited to be making my way to the next stages of mommy hood! A year ago I would have thought this day would never come. Gilly is so responsible and has actually started to help with cleaning the house. She is becoming such a big help. Heston is going into kindergarten and so that makes 2 kids in school and I pray that the kindergarten experience will help him to mature. Fisher is riding a 2 wheeler, is potty trained and will be going to pre-school. Griffyn is almost 7 months, is crawling, and eating food. I know life will ALWAYS be crazy and busy, but I will NEVER have 2 kids in diapers again:)...in 5 months I will NEVER have to buy another can of formula and both of those things are hard to believe. I am so thankful for my kids and that I am their mother. I learn so much about life everyday because of them. Hipp Hip Horay for MiLe StOnEs!!!!
Hurry and knock on wood!!!!! It seems to be those who say that jinx themselves and get unexpected twins.... Regardless of birthcontrol!!!! ;) just kidding! Cute kids!!!
How fun! I love being a mommy too, but I agree formula is expensive, and so are diapers.
I am sure you make a great mom too!! Tyson and Heston must be the same age. He is going to kindergarten too!
When I get out of the "no formula" stage I am going to freakin throw you and I a party! Who knew that stuff cost an arm and a leg?! OK, probably everyone but me! Congrats!
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