This is a few days late...Rob turned 3o! Life has been sooooo busy! He has been wishing that the day wouldn't come, but it did and guess what?...I don't think it was too bad for him:) I snuck over to 12T Monday night and decorated his office and had my friend bake 4 dozen cookies with 30's on them and she also baked him a "beer belly" cake! It was kinda funny! I hope that he had a good day. Strange to think in 10 more years it will be 40...that's not to far off. Ha! Happy Birthday, Sweed! I LOVE YOU!!!
Oh man - really? We are too darn young to be that old! Happy BDay!
That's me in a couple of weeks. It's always easier to celebrate a dreaded B-day when someone you love has the forsight to make it fun. Good for you, Julz!
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